The bee project

Committed to the environment

We are installing bee hives on all of our plants and establishing a relationship with local bee keepers as a tangible commitment to the communities in which we operate.

A bee sitting on a purple flower

The bee project

Bees play a central role

At conTeyor we believe that the vitality of our planet and our business are linked. Bees, as heroes of our ecosystems and agriculture, play a central role in this delicate balance. We're dedicated to understanding and advocating this connection, knowing that it's not only our environmental duty, but also a strategic investment in a bright future. That is why we are undertaking several activities internally and externally to translate our commitment to the environment towards our customers and colleagues:

Bee hives

We are installing bee hives on all of our plants and establishing a relationship with local bee keepers as a tangible commitment to the communities in which we operate. Bees are vital for the pollination of numerous crops that make up our food supply. By establishing bee hives, we're ensuring the well-being of these critical pollinators.


We're undertaking a series of internal initiatives centered around the bees, such as a hands-on workshop with a beekeeper and a honey tasting session. Besides that we are developing educational seminars focusing on the broader bee ecosystem. Through these initiatives, we hope to inspire a culture of environmental awareness that extends beyond our workplace. Together, we're taking meaningful steps towards a future where businesses, communities, and nature coexist in harmony.

#NoMowMay Campaign

#NoMowMay Campaign for World Bee Day 2024

During the month of May our employees participated in the "No Mow May" campaign. During this campaign we encouraged all of our colleagues to leave a portion of their lawn uncut. At the end of the month we asked them to count the number of flowers that have bloomed in the area they left uncut. That way we were able to estimate the amount of food available for bees in our community. And the results were fantastic. Collectively, our company cultivated over 28,000 flowers, aiding more than 4,4 million bees and other pollinators!

The simple act of our colleagues of not mowing made a big difference and we all came together to create a more bee-friendly environment!