
Storeganizer for German E-commerce client

1 min.
Sonja van der Eijk

We are delighted to announce the successful follow-up installation for our esteemed customer. Our client, a German e-commerce company, has once again demonstrated the remarkable scalability of Storeganizer.

Building upon the advantages of their previous installation, our client approached Storeganizer to expand their storage capacity, and we are proud to report that we have installed 210 additional bays, bringing their total count to an astonishing 490!

To optimize space utilization, the new Storeganizer installation has been strategically positioned on a mezzanine level. This elevated solution seamlessly integrates into the existing infrastructure, allowing for efficient vertical space utilization while maintaining a smooth workflow on the ground floor. Each bay features spacious pockets that are 800 mm deep, offering ample room for a wide range of items. With this generous depth, our client can efficiently store larger items, ensuring optimal utilization of every inch of space. This flexibility enables them to cater to the specific requirements of their e-commerce operations, accommodating diverse products, including bulkier items.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unlock your business’s full potential with Storeganizer. Contact us today and discover how our innovative solutions can benefit your operations!