
How Storeganizer transformed warehouse optimization

4 min.
Romy Van Acoleyen

Gates, a global leader in high-tech power transmission belts, has always prioritized innovation and efficiency in its supply chain operations. A few years ago, the company upgraded its European logistics by establishing a state-of-the-art Distribution Centre in Gent, Belgium. This modern warehouse, spanning 20,000m², consolidated operations from facilities in Germany, France, and Poland. Despite its cutting-edge infrastructure, Gates faced challenges in optimizing storage and picking processes, particularly for smaller, industrial sector products. To overcome these issues, Gates turned to Storeganizer, a shelving system that dramatically improved space utilization and picking efficiency.

The Challenge

The Gent Distribution Centre, divided between automotive and industrial sector products, housed around 36,000 pallet locations and 20,000 SKUs, staffed by 80 employees. While the setup worked well for large and bulky items, it was inefficient for smaller items, especially in the industrial sector. Items like power transmission belts, stored in boxes on pallets, often left a lot of unused space both in the boxes and the racks, leading to inefficiencies in storage and picking processes.

Moreover, picking these items from pallet racks was time-consuming and physically demanding for the staff, who had to use pick trucks to retrieve goods from the racks' lower levels. Although Gates tried various solutions, including adjusting rack spacing and using smaller bins, these measures did not fully resolve the issue.

The Solution

To address these challenges, Gates discovered Storeganizer, a shelving system that optimizes space within pallet racks by storing smaller items in a compact configuration. Gates was intrigued by the system and agreed to a test installation at its Gent Distribution Centre. The focus was on storing rolls of power transmission belts, which are tricky to manage due to their fixed volume.

After a successful test, Gates decided to move forward with a full installation. Storeganizer designed a custom system tailored to the warehouse's specific needs, allowing for denser and more efficient storage of industrial sector products.

Gates recognized that if the test was successful, Storeganizer could offer significant added value by making storage more compact and efficient.

The Installation

Storeganizer’s team worked closely with Gates to design the perfect storage solution based on a detailed data analysis of product dimensions. The system was installed in four adjacent pallet locations across two levels. Each section featured three overhead rails with sliding plastic columns containing multiple shelves. These columns were designed to hold the rolls of power transmission belts in a dense but accessible layout.

The configuration was strategic: frequently picked items were placed at the front, and slower-moving products were stored in the rear. This setup improved both space utilization and ergonomics, reducing the need for workers to reach deep into storage locations. Customizable options, including compartment sizes and column dimensions, ensured the system met Gates’ unique requirements.

The Results

The impact of Storeganizer on Gates' Gent Distribution Centre was remarkable. The system saved up to 90% of storage space, freeing up significant room for additional storage or other warehouse uses. The compact design not only optimized square footage but also maximized cubic storage space.

In addition to space savings, the Storeganizer system drastically improved order-picking efficiency. Whereas it previously took workers up to 45 seconds to retrieve an item, they could now access products in just 8 seconds, thanks to the system’s proximity to the cutting stations. This improvement sped up order fulfillment and reduced walking distances within the warehouse.

The ergonomic benefits of Storeganizer were equally important. The sliding columns required minimal effort to operate, and the layout allowed workers to retrieve items quickly without unnecessary physical strain. As a result, employees were enthusiastic about the new system, noting its positive impact on both productivity and comfort.

Storeganizer's system saved up to 90% of storage space, freeing up significant room for additional storage or other warehouse uses.


Storeganizer proved to be a game-changing solution for Gates’ Gent Distribution Centre, addressing long-standing inefficiencies in space utilization and picking processes. The custom shelving system saved significant storage space, improved order-picking speed, and enhanced worker ergonomics. As a result, Gates has not only optimized its warehouse operations but also positioned itself for continued growth and efficiency in its supply chain.

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